"Pleasantly surprised"

18 November 2021, 23:00

Author: RouteYou

Public | Dutch


Source: Eddy&Rita

We would like to share the following comment from Emmanuel about this Maverick4 cycling route :

"Although we know the region very well, the route pleasantly surprised us."

Comments like this are one of the best compliments you can get as an author. It is certainly not easy to surprise local users with a very good knowledge of their own region with "new" trails that are very suitable, and also beautiful. But this also makes us (RouteYou) very happy, because that is exactly what we aim for with RouteYou. Namely, allowing people to discover beautiful and surprising routes in distant places but also in their own region, thanks to the many creative authors and organizations. And this through offering both a professional range of routes and routes created by individual users with a passion to create and share them with others. That is why we also put a lot of energy into the RoutePlanner so that you can be creative and make your own surprising routes. For example, we offer numerous map layers , reference routes and unique routing options such as the "nicest routing".

Learn more about the "nicest" routing option

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