Looking back at 2021 - walking is relatively growing fastest

11 January 2022, 04:00

Author: RouteYou

Public | DutchFrenchGerman


Source: RouteYou

The figures show that in 2021 almost twice as many bicycle routes as hiking routes were produced on RouteYou. However, in 2018 this was still 3.5 times as much. Whereas in 2020 28% of all planned routes on RouteYou were hiking routes, we see that in 2021 the share of hiking routes increased to 34%.

So we can conclude that walking is growing relatively the fastest but cycling is still dominant. 

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021
Cycling 73% 68% 68% 59%
Walking 20% 25% 28% 34%
Motorcycle & car 5% 6% 4% 6%

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