Scoop! Nodes instructions combined with street name instructions

21 March 2023, 11:00

Author: RouteYou

Public | DutchFrenchGerman


Source: YouTube

If you navigate via nodes, node apps will give you instructions about which node you should follow. But what about the navigation between two nodes? At that point you are required to follow the node signs (if they are still there) or consult a map. 

With the RouteYou Turn-By-Turn navigation you now receive nodeinstructions combined with street name instructions . A unique feature!

This means that you not only receive a message about the node you should follow, but that we also give standard street name instructions between the nodes. We thus guide you smoothly to the next node. So you no longer have to worry about missed or lost node signage. 


Watch video about RouteYou Turn-by-Turn navigation


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