Source: Toerisme Ninove
The "Sas van Huissegem" 10 on the Dender, one of the most important on the stream and renewed at the end of the nineties last century.
The towpath is primarily a service road for the waterway manager and is used in function of, among other things, inspection, maintenance, transhipment and water management. In addition, the towpath is also an access road for many homes. In recent decades, shared use by third parties has risen sharply. For example, towpaths are popular with many recreational and sports enthusiasts, but also for functional trips by bicycle. Under the motto 'The towpath is for everyone', we raise awareness among all users about mutual respect (source: de Vlaamse Waterweg). This unique path stretches almost the entire length of the Dender, although as a hiker it is important to pay attention to the cycling tourists who eagerly use it to get to cruising speed on this paved road. The cycling enthusiasts usually announce their arrival well (and noisily)... On the towpath we see the tower of the church of Denderleeuw right behind us and on the left the church tower of Liedekerke.
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Source: Toerisme Ninove
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Source: Toerisme Ninove
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