Prosperpolder target

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12591 views | Public | Dutch

Last verified: 21 April 2023
Translated by Azure

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Walk from the village of the eleventh of the eleventh to the goal and past the nuclear power plant. The TV series "Den elfden van den eflden" was filmed on location in Prosperpolder, a somewhat lost village between the port, The Scheldt and the border with the Netherlands. You start in front of the majestic church. The Doel Nuclear Power Plant is not out of sight during the entire walk. The abandoned village of Doel is another highlight. A mysterious environment, still inhabited by a few. On top of the dike you have a beautiful panorama. The village itself is overwhelmed by amateur photographers, looking for a special setting. A final highlight is the Hedwigepolder which is given back to nature. You walk in a special landscape clearly drawn by man, not without controversy. Fascinating walk.


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