The tame lion

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42.7 km
408 m

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3266 views | Public | DutchFrench

Last verified: 7 February 2025
Translated by Azure

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With the Place Communale in Céroux-Mousty V on your right, you exit by the Grand' rue, direction Lasne. At the first intersection, you continue straight ahead and at the fork, you follow Rue de Beaumont on the right and climb into the open landscape. Past the Lasne nameplate, turn left into Rue Collart. Follow this paved road to the end and continue straight on Rue des Fonds at the crossroads, between the spacious buildings to Rue des Tiennes. Follow it to the left until you can turn right onto High Street. On a triangular square on the left in the street of Caturia. You float along a hollow paved road between white houses and after a difficult climb, the cobblestones turn into asphalt. Then turn left onto Chemin des Ornois. Don't worry about side roads and drive through a forest full of villas to the T-junction. Follow Chemin de Couture on the left. You descend along a large pond and pass in front of the agglomeration sign of Couture-Saint-Germain. Continue straight until you reach the church of Couture-Saint-Germain at the corner of Rue du Village. Turn right, cross the Lasne and continue until you reach the N271. Cross and at the fork on the other right, take Avenue DefalqueDevos. Go up to the end of the street and where it ends, you pedal another 50 m on a narrow path until you reach the path of the Hochequeues. Left. Ignore a road to the right and left and continue cycling to the junction with the white chapel of Sainte-Anne from 1831.

All right is for local traffic. Turn right and pedal along a narrow paved road between the villas to an intersection with a straight dead end. Follow rue Bois Paris on the left. There is no name sign, but you pedal on a narrow paved road in poor condition to the first intersection. There you follow a paved road between the fields on the right: rue de Fichermont. After a short climb you get a nice view and the cobblestones turn into asphalt. At the edge of the forest, you are once again bulging on cobblestones. The road becomes hollow and when you get out of there you are back in civilization and at a fork on the left you ignore the path of Plancenoit. After the turn, you have a choice. If you don't want to go to the Lion of Waterloo, continue straight. If you want to see the Lion of Waterloo up close, turn left and walk along the Route de la Marache passing the restaurant Aux Trois Canards (1892), a chapel and a white farm and take the fork on the left. At the crossroads with the Chapelle Saint-Roch on the right and the historic Papellote farm (now Ponyclub), continue straight until the fork with a straight dead end. Take Rue du Dimont on the right. You cycle along a rough paved road and see the Couvent de Fichermont 1 in the distance. This is the monastery where Sister Smile was a nun. Skip the road to the monastery and you'll have the Lion of Waterloo 2 in your sights. Continue cycling to the Chaussée de Charleroi. Cross and pedal to the Leo. If you want, you can climb up to the lion. Then, you have to go up by the same road to the hamlet of Marache. There, you pedal left, direction Lasne-center. At the first fork, you leave the chemin de l'Alouette and you have a beautiful view of the hilly meadows. You pass in front of a house from 1892, leave the road to the center of Lasne on the right and continue cycling towards Ohain. Take Bois Héros on the left and you start a difficult climb, passing a house from 1886. The road becomes hollow and you go further up between the villas. Ignore the path of Levromont on the right and pedal further between the greens of the Royal Golfclub Waterloo. At the crossroads, follow the Vieux chemin de Wavre on the right until you can turn left into the chemin des Mess. The road becomes hollow and turns into a paved road. After a left turn, you come to a fork. On the left is Chemin Boiteux. Drive right and then take Rue du Mont Lassy to Route des Marnières. Follow this priority road until you can turn left into the Clé des Champs at the roundabout. Continue cycling along a narrow paved road to Bas Ransbeck Road. Follow it to the right without worrying about side streets. The name of the street becomes Route d'Hannosart. You follow him to the roundabout. There you take the third exit and pedal a little further right into the Renipont road. Don't worry about side roads until you can turn left onto Chemin du Chêne aux Renards. Ignore all secondary roads to the dead end sign. Turn right onto Avenue de la Renardière and turn left. On the T, follow Rue du Ry Beau Ry on the right until you fork. Turn left, along a large pond to T. Cycle on the right and follow Rue de la Lasne on the right until the roundabout. Take the second exit and pedal on the road to Ottignies. You start a long climb and ignore all the side streets. Past the church of La Chapelle-Saint-Lambert, leave the chemin du Meunier and walk along the cobblestones between meadows and fields to a Y-junction. Take rue de ChapelleSaint-Lambert on the left, pedal between the fields to rue du Réservoir. Turn left until you reach the N275. Fruity delicacies On the other side, take Rue des Vergers immediately on the left, pass a large farm and pass Les Délices de Pinchart. Ignore Rue des Prairies on the right and get off until you can turn left onto Rue de Lasne with a sharp turn. As you climb, you can see the plastic tunnels below in which Les Délices de Pinchart grows strawberries, among other things. You enter the rue du Charnois and follow it on the right. Don't worry about secondary roads until you can turn right into Rue du Moulin à Eau. Turn left and follow Rue du Corbeau to a roundabout. Take the first exit and pedal along a wide paved road until you can turn right into one lane. You meander around the imposing Balbière 3 farm to a paved road. Follow it to the left and turn left just before the priority road to Pinchart Street. Follow it on the left, do not worry about the side streets and after the roundabout take the rue de la Boisette on the right. Keep following it to the end and continue cycling straight on a path for cyclists and pedestrians. At the end of this path, you arrive at a crossroads. Turn left and walk along the edge of a residential area via Rue de la Briqueterie. Follow it until you can turn right onto Rue Jules Destrée. At the end, turn left and follow rue Franz Defnet until you reach T. Turn right and immediately left into rue du Culot, until you reach Place du Centenaire. Turn right onto Avenue des Vallées until you reach the N275. Cross it and pedal in the rue de Limauges. At the crossroads, follow rue de la Motte on the left. The name of the street changes to Avenue des Daguets and at the first quadrilateral take Avenue descendante des Faisandeaux on the left. Ignore a cul-de-sac on the right and on a triangular square follow the Drève de Limauges on the right until you reach the T. Turn right into the drève des Chataigniers. Turn left and at the crossroads follow the path of Château de la Motte turn right until the path of Wavre. On the left there is a large pond. Right. Ignore Rue de la Ferme Bordeau on the left and continue cycling along Rue du Champ Saint-Nicolas. It turns into Rue de Ferrière, between two large ponds through a forest and in front of some spacious villas. At the Rue d'Hergé sign, turn right and follow Rue de Ferrières on the right until you reach the white chapel NotreDame de Hal and the N275. Cross and follow Rue Jean de Mons to Grand' Rue. Turn left, after the farm of Try, until the N275. Cross it one last time and continue cycling through the Grand'rue to the starting point.

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