Bouillon - The route of the 14 panoramas

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Source: Vancanneyt Sander - Roche du Pendu

26.4 km
674 m

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9275 views | Public | DutchFrench

Last verified: 22 November 2023
Translated by Azure

Description by the author

A long, challenging route along more than 14 viewpoints along the Semois. If you want lots of beautiful views of the beautiful Semois region, then you are already in the right place with this tour, this 26km trip takes you from one viewpoint to the other between Bouillon and Frahan where you get a good 1100 altimeters.

Optional expandable with a loop on the Crêtes de Frahan, an additional 6km and additional altimeters.

Departure point: Porte de France, Bouillon (once you pass under the castle through the tunnel you will find a parking area on the left

Viewpoints with a name are (in order of appearance):

- Hangman's Rock
- Spine Viewpoint
- Devil's Peak
- The Squirrel
- Rocher des Éperviers (the old and the new viewpoint)
- Viewpoint in front of the Mount
- Pic du Midi
- Preaching pulpit
- Viewpoint of the Ramonette

A few points of attention

- To get to the POV of the Rocher des Éperviers you enter the rather tight bend to the left of the bulge on a path not so visible. There aren't many people here, but they are marked by small signs. This path continues on a wide path that you take to the right, after 450m you see an old sign indicating the old viewpoint that you climb to the right to arrive at the old worn bench on the rock. Return to the wide path and continue to the right to arrive at the new viewpoint overlooking the other bank of the Semois. On the other hand, you can get a better view of the other side via a downed room than from the old viewpoint.

- If you walk to Corbion you will arrive at Roche des Fees at some point, past the rock you climb up the cornice, although the hiking map of Bouillon gave another path here, we didn't really find that. We followed the corniche as much as possible in line to a more distant street.


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