EuroVelo is a network of 17 long distance cycle routes connecting and uniting the whole European continent. The routes can be used by cycle tourists as well as by local people making daily journeys. EuroVelo currently comprises of 17 routes totaling over 90,000km of cycling itineraries.
The objectives the EuroVelo initiative are:
To ensure the implementation of very high quality European-grade cycle routes in all countries of Europe, carrying the best European practice across borders and harmonising standards;
To communicate the existence of these routes to decision makers and potential users, promote and market their use, and provide an important port of call for information about cycling in Europe;
In this way, to encourage large numbers of European citizens to give cycling a try, and so to promote a shift to healthy and sustainable travel – for daily trips and as cycling tourism.
Development and Operation
The development and operation of the EuroVelo routes is carried out by national, regional and local governments, commercial service providers and NGOs.
The aim is to establish an official National EuroVelo Coordination Centre (NECC) to lead on this work in every country through which EuroVelo routes pass.
Badge of Quality
EuroVelo is a registered trade mark of ECF, and only routes approved by the ECF can be called EuroVelo. This is an important badge of quality for both the cyclist and the route promoter.
To find out more on how the EuroVelo project has developed over time view our "History" page on the professional EuroVelo website.
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