Huguenots and Waldensians Trail - Section Mühlacker-Kraichtal (31.6 km)

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764 km
16,443 m

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Last verified: 30 December 2024
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The section leads to significant cultural sites such as the Henri-Arnaud-Haus with the German Waldensian Center in Schönenberg, the local history museum in Mühlacker, the Waldensian house in Großvillars, and a series of Waldensian colonies such as Dürrmenz, Schönenberg, Kleinvillars, Großvillars, and Kraichtal-Gochsheim.

Baden-Württemberg section Mühlacker-Kraichtal 2011, officially inaugurated in Ötisheim-Schönenberg
The European cultural long-distance hiking trail Huguenot and Waldensian Path , which runs on a total length of 1,800 kilometers from southern France and northern Italy through Switzerland to northern Hesse, is therefore also signposted continuously on a longer section in Baden-Württemberg. From the cities and municipalities of Mühlacker via Ötisheim, Knittlingen, Oberderdingen to Kraichtal via Östringen and Sinsheim, hikers can follow interesting paths with the hiking sign Blue disk with green line and learn about the cultural history of the Waldensians residing in the Kraichgau. The section leads to significant cultural sites such as the Henri-Arnaud-Haus with the German Waldensian Center in Schönenberg, the local history museum in Mühlacker, the Waldensian house in Großvillars, and a series of Waldensian colonies such as Dürrmenz, Schönenberg, Kleinvillars, Großvillars, and Kraichtal-Gochsheim. Highlights in the area of Kraichtal are the Gochsheim museums and the water castle ruins in Kraichtal-Menzingen, through vineyards in the beautiful Östringen, and to technology, football, and swimming experiences in Sinsheim.


Source: Stadtverwaltung/Stadtmarketing Kraichtal ( ©CC 4.0)


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