In this Christmas tale, young Clara receives a nutcracker in the shape of a little man as a present. On a mysteriously magical night, the toys, led by the Nutcracker, engage in a fierce battle against the house?s hideous mice. Frightened by the events, Clara decides to face her fears and throws herself into the fight, managing to save her beloved Nutcracker. Moved by her courage and filled with gratitude, he transforms into Prince Charming and transports Clara to a fairytale kingdom.
A grand ballet in two acts, The Nutcracker was presented to the public for the first time in December 1892 in St. Petersburg at the Mariinsky Theatre. Today, it remains without doubt one of the world?s most performed ballets. Tchaikovsky?s famous orchestral music and the virtuosity of the dancers, both enhanced by breathtaking sets and costumes, are sure to delight audiences of all ages.
Experience all the beauty of this marvel, ideal for the Christmas season.
Source: Office de Tourisme Troyes la Champagne
Le Cube, Troyes
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