Waterville Heritage Trail - Iveragh Peninsula - Kerry

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Source: Blauwkruikje

2.84 km
18 m

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419 views | Public | Dutch

Last verified: 19 April 2023
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Waterville, traditionally known as Coirean (Irish: An Coireán, meaning "The Crescent") is a village in County Kerry, Ireland, on the Iveragh Peninsula. The town is situated on a narrow isthmus, with Lough Currane on the east side of the town, Ballinskelligs Bay on the west and the Currane River between the two.
The name of the town in Irish refers to the river as "The Little Whirlpool", or to the shape of Ballinskelligs Bay as 'The Sickle' on which the town is located. However, the name has been transplanted onto the lake with the Irish name being Loch Luíoch or Loch Luidheach.
The Butler family built a house at the mouth of the River Currane in the latter part of the 18th century. They named their home and estate Waterville. The village developed on the estate in the first half of the 19th century and was thus called Waterville.
The N70 or the 'Ring of Kerry route' runs through the city. (Source: Wikipedia)

Departure: Butlers Monument - Celtic Cross

More information: http://www.watervilleheritagetrail.com/index.html


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