Source: Willem Vandenameele
This restored old drinking and washing trough that is now a fountain is located in Piazza Nettun o in Scopello.
In the old farming tradition , animals were watered, water was drawn and clothes were washed in the 'bevai'. They were also a place to meet and interact.
The restoration was part of a project to restore and improve the old drinking troughs and fountains in the Sicilian rural development programme. In addition to the drinking trough in Scopello, the 'Merla' drinking trough at Provincialeweg 2 is also being restored, as are two fountains in the city center: the 'Acqua Santa' in Via Segesta and the 'Cannolo Nuovo' in Via Quintino Sella in Castellamare.
Source: Willem Vandenameele
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Source: Willem Vandenameele
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Source: Willem Vandenameele
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