Maas Waal route

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102 km
449 m

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2161 views | Public | Dutch

Last verified: 21 April 2023
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Please note: the Oosterhoutsedijk and the Waaldijk between Slijk-Ewijk and Oosterhout are closed until the end of 2022 (also for cyclists). From October 2022 to January 2024, the Waaldijk between campsite Grote Altena and hamlet Wolferen will be closed.

This route starts in Gennep with its beautiful center. You first go to the Rijk van Nijmegen with the climbs of the Sint-Jansberg and the Derde Baan. Then you cycle through the beautiful Ooijpolder. Then you cross the Waal and follow the Waal in a westerly direction. After another crossing of the Waal, you set course for picturesque Batenburg. From there you follow the Meuse almost continuously, sometimes closed to car traffic on roads. Finally, you will be presented with the climb over the Mookerbaan in the Kingdom of Nijmegen and you will cycle back to Gennep via the Mookerheide and Plasmolen.


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