Schijnvliegveld De Kiek from Meerle

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42 km
87 m

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364 views | Public | Dutch

Last verified: 11 May 2023
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GPS recording of 29 August 2021with some unpaved paths incorporated

Did you know that ... In addition to real airfields, the German occupier also built mock airfields during the Second World War? They were meant to stand out just a little more than the real airfields and thereby distract bombing.

Scheinflugplatz Kamerun, was named after the German colony, or in code language it was then SF 37. Three fake runways, a bunker, fake hangars and fake planes were placed there. In the evening the lights came on ... All just "real". In case of danger, the airport staff did not take shelter in the counterfeit hangars or in a safe concrete bunker opposite the airport. Now this place has been "restored": an aircraft has been placed, the bunker refurbished.


You will also pass a Pest cemetery

About 1 kilometer east of Alphen is the hamlet of Boslust. On the road of the same name, the cemetery is on the right. The only plague cemetery to visit in the Netherlands.
On the site of the cemetery, which is in fact only a place of thought, there is a stone monument by the Alphense architect Jan Jacobs from 1934. This is in memory of the more than 500 inhabitants of Alphen who died in the 17th century from the effects of the plague. In 1604 and 1625 plague epidemics broke out in Alphen. The dead had to be buried outside the village on a large moor that belonged to the monastery of Tongerlo. In the book of the dead of dr. Erens, which is kept in the parish archives, contain the names of the deceased.
The crosses, black with a white border, stand in memory of the two priests who cared for the plague sufferers at that time. They also died of the plague.
After that, people preferred to forget the cemetery. It was, of course, a macabre place that no one was looking for. Pastor Binck, also a local expert, went looking for the cemetery in 1932 and found a coffin with remains on this spot. He found the location on an old map from 1715 in the archives of the Abbey of Tongerlo. In 1934 the stone monument was restored. However, the coffin with bones found was never found again. Until the 90s of the last century, the cemetery was regularly maintained and pilgrimages took place. After that, maintenance stopped and the monument fell into disrepair. In 2010 it was refurbished with the help of volunteers.


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