The Via Christina is a reconstruction of the route taken by Queen Christina of Sweden during her conversion journey from Stockholm to Rome in 1656-1656. This is offered free with the Dutch book about this historical journey Passage to Rome by Frans Godfroy.
The Via Christina is divided into nine stages, plus an additional walking/cycling route in Rome. So the choice is yours: you follow the Queen from Stockholm all the way to Rome, or you may prefer to choose one or more stages.
Naturally, the reconstruction is a compromise between the historical route and the geographical reality of the present. Many historic centers of towns and villages are not accessible to motorized vehicles. Sometimes the route leads to parking facilities, sometimes it goes around a center and you have to find a parking space yourself to visit the city on foot.
The Via Christina was created based on motorcyclists crossing Europe, but you can also make the journey by car and camper, although there may sometimes be a narrow street. Please note that most of the route is on secondary roads. So if you are in a hurry, forget the Via Christina.
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