Update: RouteYou map

22 November 2023, 12:53

Author: RouteYou

Public | DutchFrenchGerman

To provide you with all the basic information you need while exploring and planning a route, we developed our own RouteYou map. The geographers on our team always strive to provide you with as much information as possible at a glance. 

An overview of the most recent changes:

  • To make it easier and more interesting to search via the map at higher zoom levels, the names of regional subdivisions such as states, provinces, departments and the like were added more. 
  • Important cities now stand out even more thanks to the new labels with a slightly larger size.
  • Inaccessible roads are now less visually prominent than accessible roads. 
  • Cycling and walking paths were given their own color: blue dashed lines are mainly paved cycling paths, brown-red dashed lines are mainly unpaved walking paths. Blue-red dashed lines indicate mixed use. 
  • When you zoom in on houses, the corresponding house number now appears as well.
  • Thanks to a smarter label placement, place names are now also more readable in combination with additional map layers such as the node networks, for example. 
  • The label for the Isle of Man has been removed because it was always displayed above the label for the United Kingdom. Sorry to all Manx residents!

To the legend of the RouteYou map


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