Malpaïs de Güímar - to the top of the volcano

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11.6 km
276 m

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Last verified: 3 April 2024

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The track to the top is described here for MTB : first 350 meters at 27%; total climb of almost 1 km has an average gradient of 16%. This is not the side we are walking but the slope is just as steep.

The intention is to cross the Malpais de Güimar nature reserve between El Socorro and Puertito de Güimar and climb the Montaña grande .

In any case, the advantage is that a stop can be made in Puertito in the shade of the terraces available . This may be necessary because there is no shade during the walk. The wind can provide some cooling, but in the windless places it can get hot, partly because of the lava stone subsurface that retains the heat.

Start in El Soccoro met the Ermita del Soccoro where in September the pilgrimage to the Virgin of Candelaria takes place, the most popular pilgrimage of the entire Canary archipelago. Some other witnesses to this pilgrimage are the Lago de la Virgen and La Cruz de Tea, which we also see.

We continue and first climb the Montaña grande.

We descend via Las Morras del Corcho which, together with Montaña de la Mar, is a volcanic peak that was formed during a previous eruption of lava from the volcano. Along the way we see the remains of the irrigation canals , terrace walls, and a pump that bear witness to the attempts made to grow crops here .

We have to deviate from the road for a moment to visit the Cueva de los Burros ( the donkey cave) where the bones of the carcasses of the dead cattle that were brought there can still be seen. We pass by gigantic Euphorbia canariensis (not cacti!) and descend further.

When you arrive in Puertito de Güimar, you will notice the monument to the radio amateurs . We walk around to the chapel in honor of Santiago Apostol, the patron saint of the fishing community.

After the necessary refreshments we continue along the coastal path where the wind can be fierce. Via the old fishermen's houses we pass the Salinas where salt extraction was carried out. It then continues uphill to the Mirador Montaña de la Mar , a remnant of an earlier volcanic eruption. We arrive at La Entrada , which can be black from the temporarily washed-up sand in September/October.

A little further we are back at the starting point.




Source: Willem Vandenameele


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