Goldsteig in Tschechien

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286 km
7,543 m

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Last verified: 18 January 2025

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Via the Mlaka/Bischofsreut border crossing, which can be reached via the Goldsteig access route in the form of the Prachatice Trail, the Goldsteig leads hikers to southern Bohemia, directly onto the Czech alternative route and right into the heart of the Šumava National Park. České Žleby, Stožecká luka and the village of Dobrá are on its way, as is Volary, which is known for its unusual Alpine wooden houses from the 18th century. The route continues past the ruins of Hus and Libínské Sedlo castles and the Libín lookout tower, which offers a unique view of the Šumava panorama and, with a little luck, as far as the Alps, to Prachatice, the "Renaissance pearl of South Bohemia". The museum here has an interactive exhibition on the "Golden Path" that is well worth seeing and vividly illustrates the historical path of the white gold, as salt was called in the Middle Ages. Via Husinec, the birthplace of Jan Hus, the hiker then reaches Vimperk, one of the most important destinations of the muleteer caravans of yesteryear. Vimperk Castle, a former fortress high above the town, as well as the picturesque town square and remains of the medieval town wall still bear witness to the eventful history of this old trading town. From Vimperk, the Goldsteig trail continues westwards: via Zdíkov, Stachy and Úbislav through a gently undulating Šumava landscape to the royal town of Kašperské Hory, which is one of the highlights of the Šumava National Park thanks to its picturesque surroundings and the Gothic Kašperk Castle - the highest in Bohemia. Also well worth a visit: the Šumava Museum and Gallery. From here, the Goldsteig trail continues to Hartmanice via Annín to Dobrá Voda. The romantic Velhartice Castle, Javorná and Nýrsko are on the route, as are the "vanished villages", which reveal the turbulent history of the border region: Remains of walls and cemeteries are reminders of the villages that once stood here. Today, moss and shrubbery cover the remains of villages, hamlets and wastelands. From here, the Goldsteig Trail slowly leaves the Šumava National Park behind and enters the Šumava. Another important point on the route is Kdyně, from where the trail leads into the heart of the idiosyncratic and enchanting Chodsko region - Domažlice. The traditions and customs of the Chods are presented here in the Chod Land Museum and the Chod Castle with its lookout tower offers a magnificent view. From Domažlice, the trail then winds up towards Klenčí pod Čerchovem, climbs to the Sádkova skála rock and then descends steeply via Postřekov to Poběžovice. The following stretch to Bělá nad Radbuzou surprises with many sights before a steeply rising watchtower castle welcomes hikers in Přimda. The trail continues through the diverse landscape of Šumava via Staré Sedliště to Tachov. The historical center here invites you to visit the Šumava Museum or take a tour of the castle. The last Goldsteig section then leads to Chodová Planá.


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